The Universe Without Human Civilization

Humanity and the Universe


Human civilization inhabits a small planet called Earth, which itself is part of the vast Solar System. While Earth is very tiny in size, humans are one of the most curious and intelligent species.

Their intellectual and imaginative powers are well beyond their physiological constraints. Gradually, humans began to understand that their apparently huge Earth is actually very small in comparison with the gigantic universe.

The Earth is so tiny in the endless darkness of space that, if compared with the grand scheme of things, it almost doesn’t matter. Humanity understood the vastness of the universe but still haven’t found out whether anybody else besides us is out there.

For now, we are the only known ones who can think, observe, and somehow explain the universe with their observation. We have named and identified everything around us in this world.


Existence Without Humans: Its Worth


Ever wondered how much the universe would matter sans the human existence? In other words, if we all were to cease to exist, everything would still be the same, right?

The fact is that everything moves around us: our feelings, happiness, grief, love, pride, hatred, curiosity, and relationships. Humanity has been fighting since the beginning of time because of land, wealth, and resources out of greed. We still do that today, but these battles have now become the biggest threat to our survival as well.

We constantly make news of ourselves-what we are doing, what we will do, and the way in which we live. But what if, all of a sudden, humankind vanished-rise and shine, gone forever? If there were no humans around, who would be concerned about these battles over possessions? Who would struggle to take things if there were no one to fight for?

Naming and Understanding the Universe


We have named the home as “Earth” and the satellite which revolves around the Earth as “the Moon.” The nearest star to us has been named “the Sun” and its planetary family as “Solar System”.

Everything we have discovered so far has been given a name with which we understand it and recognize it. From the simple chair and table to the star, galaxy, or universe itself, everything has a name given to it by us. Yet without us, all these things would not be worth anything.

Their significance depends upon our existence and our need to identify and communicate about them. The wars we fight, the longings we harbor—all these have our existence at the center of it all.


Life Without Humanity


Yes, everything would exist even without human beings, but they would be continuing their existence in space.

The Earth would go on revolving around the Sun, and the Moon around the Earth. The only difference it would make is that time would change them, but again, nobody would be there to observe them or use them or control them.

Everything exists the way we think about them or deal with them because of us. Without us, the meaning or significance or their being essential items to us would cease to exist.

Take, for example, our knowledge of the importance of the Sun. We do know a lot about it, but no other beings would think similarly.

This human perception of the universe and its mystery stands unique and other beings that are possibly going to exist might look at things and interpret them fully differently from us. They may name things differently and relate to them in ways we don’t know about.

Relationship of Humanity with the Universe


It will be the same universe if we were to remain absent, but it will not bear the value that it bears in our presence. The understanding and view of the universe are unique in our brains as humans.

Maybe this universe remains like this without us, but the way we look at and understand it and give meaning to everything in it would not remain the same from other existences.

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