Parallel Universe

Did NASA Discover a Parallel Universe? The Hype and the Truth

Some time ago, social media was abuzz with claims that NASA scientists had found evidence of a parallel universe! This sudden news sparked curiosity and excitement among science enthusiasts.

However, it was later clarified that no such discovery was actually made. At the end of the day, this mysterious chapter of physics remains unexplored.

But what exactly do we mean by a parallel universe or a multiverse?

Are these just theoretical concepts, or could they actually exist?

Let’s try to understand some of the complex theories in physics about parallel universes and multiverses in a simpler way.

What is a Parallel Universe or Multiverse?

In layman’s terms, a parallel universe or multiverse refers to the idea that there could be multiple universes parallel to our own in this vast cosmos, with some that may mirror our own universe.

Imagine these other universes might even flow in reverse time. In one of these parallel universes, there could be a Milky Way galaxy, various nebulae, and even a blue planet named Earth, just like ours, where perhaps someone who looks like you is right now reading about parallel universe theories with great interest.

In short, parallel universes are thought to exist somewhere in the cosmos but remain unknown to each other.

The Intriguing Origins Behind This Unbelievable Theory

Several theories in physics suggest the possibility of a parallel universe. Today, let’s look at some of these distinct theories and explore the potential of parallel universes.

Time Travel Possibilities

Though theoretically possible, scientists face certain paradoxes in terms of time travel to the past, with one notable question being the “Grandfather Paradox.”

Imagine a person travels to the past and kills their young grandfather. If they did this, the grandfather would never reach adulthood, wouldn’t marry, wouldn’t have children, and there would be no grandchildren—meaning the time traveler themselves wouldn’t exist.

So, if someone kills their grandfather in the past, where did the time traveler come from?

One possible answer to this paradox is the concept of a parallel universe. Some scientists theorize that if someone wanted to travel to the past, they would enter a wormhole and emerge in a parallel universe.
If they were to kill someone who looked like their grandfather there, it would have no major impact because the killer never actually existed in that parallel universe!

And, because time always moves forward and never backward, going into the past would mean entering a universe where time flows in reverse. This potential universe where time moves in reverse offers a theoretical solution to some of the complexities of time travel and brings the concept of parallel universes into the conversation.

Schrodinger’s Cat Theory

The most fascinating explanation of parallel universes is found in quantum physics.
Since quantum physics is a highly complex, probability-based field of mathematics, let’s discuss it using a simplified example. Known as Schrodinger’s Cat Theory, this theory is also sometimes called the Zombie-Cat Theory.

According to quantum physics, electrons can spin both clockwise and counterclockwise simultaneously.
Unlike a marble, cricket ball, football or even planets and stars, which rotate in one set direction, electrons can spin in both directions at once.

Imagine a closed room with a spinning electron inside, connected to a spin detector with a hammer attached to it, in front of a glass test tube filled with toxic gas.
If the electron spins clockwise, the detector will detect it, triggering the hammer to break the test tube, releasing the gas, and killing the cat inside. If the electron spins counterclockwise, the detector will receive no signal, leaving the hammer still, the test tube intact, and the cat alive.

So, which scenario will occur?

The answer is both simple and complex. If the electron spins clockwise, there’s a dead cat in the room. If it spins counterclockwise, there’s a living cat. But since the electron is spinning in both directions at once, the theory suggests that there’s a cat in the room that is both alive and dead simultaneously!

Observing the result means that someone looking into the room will see either a dead or a living cat, depending on their observation. Because of the possibility of seeing two contradictory outcomes, it’s called the Zombie-Cat Theory!

This strange rule in quantum physics suggests a mathematical possibility where multiple opposite events could happen in the same place.

But if someone enters the room, would they see a cat that’s both dead and alive?

The answer is no!

Different observers will see only one outcome. One observer may see a dead cat, while another at the same time may see a living cat. This means they’re witnessing the same event on separate timelines, diverging their observations. Like two parallel lines that run infinitely without intersecting, this mathematical possibility indicates the existence of parallel universes!

String Theory

String theory (later known as superstring theory) is often referred to as the “Theory of Everything.”
Following Einstein’s space-time theory.

String theory is one of the most groundbreaking theories in physics, attempting to explain the universe’s four fundamental forces (gravitational, electromagnetic, strong nuclear, and weak nuclear forces). The theory suggests that everything in the universe is made up of vibrating strings.

But where do these strings exist?

If we keep dividing a substance into smaller parts, we find molecules, atoms, nuclei, electrons, protons, neutrons and quarks. However, modern physics proposes that there’s a component smaller than quarks.

If we zoom into quarks, we find an energy that resembles strings. Just as plucking guitar strings creates vibrations, these strings vibrate to create quarks, which form neutrons and ultimately, atoms. Essentially, everything we’ve discovered so far is generated by these vibrating strings at every level. This is the fundamental idea of string theory.

As scientists explored string theory, they found that explaining these strings required several dimensions beyond our four-dimensional universe. Specifically, ten distinct dimensions are necessary to fully explain particles through this theory. These dimensions might exist outside our four-dimensional space or even be intertwined within them.

For instance, while walking across a narrow bamboo bridge, a human sees it as one-dimensional (a straight line) and can only walk along its length. But for an ant, the bamboo bridge is two-dimensional because it can circle around it.

Similarly, dimensions within dimensions could exist, allowing access to alternate dimensions that humans cannot reach. From this ten-dimensional theory comes the concept of parallel universes, suggesting that another universe may exist within our own but beyond our dimensional perception.

Is It Possible to Visit a Parallel Universe?

Finally, the biggest and most exciting question can we travel to a parallel universe?

Theoretically, yes. But it requires two things.

The ability to access different dimensions and the use of wormholes to travel through time to reach parallel universes. However, as of now, physics has not shown any practical way to achieve either, meaning a journey to a parallel or multiverse is currently beyond our reach.

Perhaps as you read this, someone just like you in another universe is reading this same piece and feeling the same curiosity about parallel universes.

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