10 Dimension

Exploring Dimensions: Understanding the Multidimensional Universe


Almost everything we see around us has three dimensions — length, width, and height.

But how would it feel to hear that our universe is fundamentally 10-dimensional?

According to string theory, our universe is indeed constructed from 10 dimensions (11 according to M-theory and 26 according to Bosonic String Theory). Understanding a 10-dimensional universe requires us first to grasp what dimensions are.

Here, I will attempt to present everything as simply as possible.




Zero dimension is understood to represent only a single point. This point, by definition, lacks any length, width, or height, making it purely a position without extension or size.


1-Dimension (Length only)


A one-dimensional object only has length, with no width or height. For example, a very thin thread is one-dimensional. Generally speaking, a dimension refers to the number of lengths or coordinates needed to specify the position of any point in space or an object.

For instance, a straight line is one-dimensional because to determine the position of any point on it, we only need to know how far it is from a reference point. In other words, we only need to measure one length or distance. Thus, a very thin straight line, thread or rope can be imagined as a one-dimensional object.

Two zero-dimensional points is connected to form a one-dimensional line.


2-Dimensions (Length and Width)


Now, let’s look at 2 dimensions or the second dimension. A flat surface is a perfect example of a two-dimensional object. To specify a point on this surface, we need at least two lengths or distances. Without two lengths or distances, you cannot pinpoint a point.

For example, if someone asks you how far your office is from your home, simply saying “20 meters away” leaves the answer incomplete. You need to specify the direction as well.

A better answer would be, “Walk straight 14 meters north, then 15 meters west to find my office.” Therefore, to specify the location of the office, you need at least two lengths, making the surface of the Earth two-dimensional.

Similarly, we can also visualize the page of a book as a two-dimensional object. In short, objects that have only length and width, with no height, are two-dimensional. Other examples of two-dimensional objects include the bed sheet in your bedroom or a love letter.

If a living creature existed in two dimensions, it would be flat, like characters on playing cards (who knows what shape they would be!).

Two one-dimensional line is connected to form a two-dimensional surface.


3-Dimensions (Length, Width, and Height)


Now let’s discuss the third dimension or 3D. Any box is a three-dimensional object because we need three distances to know the position of a point inside the box. We need to know how high the point is from the box’s surface.

Furthermore, to specify a point on the surface, we need two additional lengths, making a total of three lengths to know. Hence, a box is a great example of a three-dimensional object.

All the space we see around us is three-dimensional, and we are three-dimensional beings because we possess length, width, and height.

Two two-dimensional surface is connected to form a three-dimensional cube.


4-Dimensions (Time: Aging)


Let’s move on to the fourth dimension or 4D. Previously, I presented a simplified definition of dimensions. In scientific terms, a dimension refers to factors needed to specify an event. If you think about it, any event in this universe occurs at a specific place and time.

Thus, to fully describe an event, we need to know both where it occurred and when. The same location can experience different events at various times. Therefore, from this perspective, we can also consider time as a separate dimension.

Yes, in our case, time is the fourth dimension. We grow older over time, stars exhaust their fuel, and eventually, they die. One day, our beloved Sun will also die in a similar manner, perhaps 4 or 5 billion years from now. Scientifically, we know that our universe was created around 13.6 billion years ago by the Big Bang.

Before that, there was neither time nor space. From that moment, space and time were created, and since then, time has been moving only forward, towards the future.

Now, as I mentioned earlier, we are three-dimensional beings. If any creature lived in the fourth dimension and was alive, it could control its age. It could choose to become old and then young again at will.

What a terrifying and eerie thought! Since we are three-dimensional, if we could access the fourth dimension of time, we could control our age. We would then be able to travel to both our past and future.


5-Dimensions (Being a Doctor in One Universe and an Engineer in Another)


Now, let’s talk about the fifth dimension or 5D. Understanding dimensions beyond four can be a bit tricky. It is believed that they exist in the subatomic world and hide among themselves.

In the fifth dimension, we can imagine universes different from ours that also originated from the Big Bang but are distinct from our universe. In other words, if the Big Bang is their father, they are offspring from the same parent but differ in character. In short, they are different universes branching from the Big Bang.

If you live in the fifth dimension, you could simultaneously be a doctor in one universe and an engineer in another, meaning you could perform two tasks at the same time. Let’s simplify this a bit more.

Suppose you’ve just completed high school and are facing admission exams. You want to become an engineer, but your parents want you to be a doctor. If you lived in the fifth dimension, you wouldn’t have to worry; you could pursue both careers simultaneously.


6-Dimensions (Meeting Different Versions of Yourself)


Now, imagine you are living in the fifth dimension, and one of your versions is a doctor while another is an engineer.

Both universes originated from the Big Bang. If these two different versions want to meet each other, you can do it in two ways. The first way is for your doctor version to time travel back to when you started studying to become both a doctor and an engineer.

Upon returning, the version that wanted to become an engineer would move forward in time. Eventually, the engineer version would become an engineer, while the doctor version would be a doctor. The second way is to meet without any time travel, using some shortcut to meet both versions directly.

The dimension you would access to do this is the sixth dimension. In simpler terms, if we lived in the sixth dimension, we could instantly meet our different versions in various universes whenever we wanted.

If we could master the fifth and sixth dimensions, we could travel forward and backward in time, enjoying a few minutes of chat with different versions of ourselves from our own future.


7-Dimensions (Not Just the Big Bang)


So far, the universes I mentioned all had the same initial condition — the Big Bang. Now, consider clusters of universes where one cluster starts from the Big Bang, while another cluster begins from a different event.

This means the starting points and initial conditions of the two clusters are different. In this case, the shortcut to go from one universe cluster to another is the seventh dimension.

Note that in the cases of the fifth and sixth dimensions, the starting conditions were the same, but the subsequent events were different, while in the seventh dimension, everything has been different right from the beginning. This is the key difference between the seventh dimension and the fifth and sixth.


8-Dimensions (The Multiverse)


In the eighth dimension, you can travel in any direction through the universe clusters that began from different initial conditions described in the seventh dimension. This is where the concept of the multiverse comes into play.


9-Dimensions (Super Multiverse)


Using the ninth dimension, we can distinguish all the different universes from one another based on different physics laws and varying initial conditions. This is where scientists propose the idea of the super multiverse.


10-Dimensions (Everything Imaginable)


Upon reaching the tenth dimension, we arrive at a level that encompasses everything we can imagine. Beyond this, no living creatures like us can conceive anything. In essence, the concept of dimensions encompasses everything we can possibly imagine!

Interestingly, if we could live in this 10-dimensional space, we would have control over everything: our past, present, future, and everything that exists!

We would have infinite power then!!!

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